Vi var på utställning i Svenljunga i söndags med tre av kissarna, Anathemas stamtavla hade inte kommit så hon fick stanna hemma.
S*Bare Essentials V Shillien: Ex1 med extra beröm för hennes fantastiska kropp
CH S*Bare Essentials I Guelder Rose: Ex1, CACIB, BIV som slogs i nomineringen av en ryss
Tender Fils de la Vallee des Dieux: Ex1, CAC gick inte vidare i tävlingen pga röda utslag uppkomna efter för mycket gos :)
We attended a show in Svenljunga last Sunday with three of our cats, Anathemas pedigree has not yet arrived so she had to stay at home.
S*Bare Essentials V Shillien: Ex1 with extra praise for her fantastic body
CH S*Bare Essentials I Guelder Rose: Ex1, CACIB, BIV who was beaten in the nomination by a russian
Tender Fils de la Vallee des Dieux: Ex1, CAC did not go further in the competition because of red marks in his face due to too much caressing from his part against just about everything :)