Här händer det en hel del, många planer har gått i stöpet men nya har uppkommit och vi utökar katteriet med en fantastiskt vacker hane i februari, stort tack till Patti för vackra Teddy!
Vi fick den 15e november två små don sphynx kattungar efter Florence och Fabio. Greta och Evert som de kallas har redan funnit sina nya hem där de kommer bli enormt älskade :)
Hemsidan kommer uppdateras i dagarna med nya planer, här är en en light version av dem:
GIC LV*Bemisu Do I Need Make-Up x GIC S*Endless Love Ivory
CH S*Bare Essentials VII Cameleon x *hemlig*
Peaches Suraya x Aquariusphynx Ted E. Bare
Precious Sprite of Monneman x Peaches Indra
Anya's Peterbald Reina Vampiressa x Bare Essentials X Novaci
Aquariusphynx Ted E Bare SPH w 63

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
A lot is happening here, many plans have been spoilet but new have been made and we are expanding the cattery with a gorgeous male in februari, big thanks to Patti for the lovely Teddy!
On November 15th we were blessed with two don sphynx kittens after Florence and Fabio. We call them Greta and Evert and they have already loving homes waiting impatiently for them :)
The homepage will be updated shortly with our new plans but here is a light version of them:
GIC LV*Bemisu Do I Need Make-Up x GIC S*Endless Love Ivory
CH S*Bare Essentials VII Cameleon x *secret*
Peaches Suraya x Aquariusphynx Ted E. Bare
Precious Sprite of Monneman x Peaches Indra
Anya's Peterbald Reina Vampiressa x Bare Essentials X Novaci